Saturday, December 30, 2006

Convert Between Polygon Shape File and Arc/Info Coverage

Sometimes you want to take advantage of the old Arc/Info command lines... e.g., you want to run CLEAN, or you have many files to process and you want to run a simple script.

However, when converting between a shape file and arc/info coverage, you usually lose attribute data. To preserve attribute data, follow this example:

# import as region
shapearc oxbld.shp oxr REGION

# clean poly
clean oxr oxrc # # POLY

# export region
arcshape oxrc REGIONS.REGION oxr

Friday, December 01, 2006

javascript in href

There are two ways to use javascript in a href tag, e. g.,

1. <a href="javascript:doSomething()">...</a>
2. <a href="#" onclick="doSomething(); return false">...</a>

When using Microsoft HTA, however, only the second approach works. The first one will pop up a new window when the link is clicked, even under IE7.